Philipp Bagus is professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is a Fellow of the Mises Institute, an IREF scholar, and the author of numerous books including In Defense of Deflation and The Tragedy of the Euro, and is co-author of Blind Robbery!, Small States. Big Possibilities.: Small States Are Simply Better!, and Deep Freeze: Iceland’s Economic Collapse. He was awarded the 2011 and 2017 O.P. Alford III Prize in Libertarian Scholarship, the Ron Paul Liberty in Media Award (2003), the Templeton Fellowship Award of the Independent Institute in 2008, and the Ludwig-Erhard-Forderpreis (2016). The Tragedy of the Euro has so far been translated and published in Greek, German, French, Slovak, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, British English, Dutch, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, and Chinese.