Regional deputy belonging (PSOE) since June 2015. Degree in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2012). Telecommunications Technical Engineer specialized in Telematics, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2000-2007). Human Resource Management, specializing in International HR, Fachhochschule Kiel, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business Management (2005). Superior Course in Management and Security Law, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2008).
Enabled by the Ministry of the Interior as Director of Security. Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP), ICSE-Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (2007). Currently, I study a Degree in Law at the International University of La Rioja. Master in Prevention of Occupational Hazards, higher level, Occupational Safety Specialty, Confederation Canaria de Empresarios (2008). Entrepreneur and consultant in the field of innovation and technology, patent development, and R & D.