Dr. Mateja Durovic is a Reader in Contract and Commercial Law and Co-Director of the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society at King’s College London. Previous to this, he was an Assistant Professor (2015‐2017) at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Mateja Durovic holds a Ph.D. and LLM degrees from the European University Institute, Italy, an LLM degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, and an LLB degree from the University of Belgrade, Serbia where he graduated as the first and the best student of his class. Dr. Durovic was a Post‐Doc Research Associate at the EUI, Italy (2014-2015), Visiting Scholar at Stanford Law School, USA (2011), and at the Max Planck Institute of Private International and Comparative Law, Hamburg, Germany (2010). Dr. Durovic worked for the Legal Service of the European Commission, as well as a consultant for the European Commission, BEUC, and the United Nations. The work of Dr. Durovic was published in leading law journals (European Review of Private Law, European Review of Contract Law, Journal of Consumer Policy) and by most prominent publishers (Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Hart Publishing). He is a member of the European Law Institute, Society of Legal Scholars, and Society for European Contract Law.