Elina Lepomäki is a Member of The Finnish Parliament, representing the center-right National Coalition Party. Prior to entering politics, she worked 10 years in the financial sector in London (Royal Bank of Scotland) and the Nordics (Nordea). Her latest title was Director in Global Banking and Markets at RBS. Lepomäki is M.Sc. in Technology (Computer Science) and M.Sc. in Financial economics; with doctoral studies in applied mathematics. Lepomäki is an owner in several technology start-ups and Chair of the Board in the free-market think tank Libera. In the Finnish Parliament Lepomäki is a member of the Finance Committee. In 2018, she published her book „Vapauden Voitto” (Otava), on how to reform Finnish politics and the Nordic welfare model. She has co-authored several societal reports such as „The Future of the Euro – The alternatives for Finland” (2014) and „The Life Account – A Social Security Reform” (2013).