He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Vienna and an MA in Tax Management from the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien. He was a scholar at the post-graduate program „Quantitative Finance“ at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. He gained more than 12 years of managerial and professional experience during his occupations with NEWEX Börse AG, as managing director of Aktienforum, and as Senior Expert (tax and capital market policy) at the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).
He was an Austrian representative in several working groups of BUSINESSEUROPE. He was co-founder of EuropeanIssuers, an EU association of listed companies and member of the Board from 2008 to 2011. From 2002 to 2012 he was a member of the Austrian Working Group on Corporate Governance and member of the Federal Ministry of Justice’s Working Group on Company Law and Accounting. His research focuses on the economics of taxation, public finance, capital markets, economic innovation (with a special focus on intangible assets), and capital theory. He is a member of the network ProMarktwirtschaft of Austrian pro-market oriented economists (www.promarktwirtschaft.at) and a member of Institut für Wertewirtschaft (“Institute for value-based economics”, www.wertewirtschaft.org).