is Professor in International Business at the Department of Business Administration, the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. Professor Hajidimitriou served as Rector of the University of Macedonia from September 2010 to August 2014. Since November 2015, he is Chairman of the Department of Business Administration. He also served as Chairman of the MBA Program, as Chairman of the Department of Marketing and Operations Management, and as Vice Chairman of the Department of Business Administration. Recently he was appointed Director of the Master’s Program in International Business. Professor Hajidimitriou holds a M.A. and a Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, USA. His research interests focus on strategies of international expansion, international joint ventures, and international strategic alliances. Recent research articles appear in international academic journals and in the proceedings of several international conferences. Professor Hajidimitriou served as Visiting Lecturer in International Business at the Sheffield University Management School, U.K. (1995-97), Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, USA (1984-86), and Adjunct Professor in the MBA programs of Fairleigh Dickinson University and Seton Hall University in New Jersey (1989-91), USA. He also worked for the American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), USA, in the Market Analysis and Forecasting Department (1986-92). Since 2000, Professor Hajidimitriou is an honorary member of the Board of Directors of the Greek International Business Association (SEVE).