Hubertus Hofkirchner is Chief Futurist & CEO of Prediki, a global market and opinion research platform, leveraging advanced prediction market technology to tap collective intelligence. Before becoming a serial entrepreneur, Hubertus was Chief Executive Officer of Austria’s telecom operator tele.ring, and a Managing Director of Creditanstalt Investment Bank. Hubertus also founded brokerjet.com, now the online brokerage arm of Erste Bank AG. He is a university lecturer at the University of Economics in Vienna, as well as a frequent speaker and blogger on futurism, macroeconomics, and cryptocurrencies. He holds an M.Ec. of the University of Economics in Vienna, and an M.B.A. of I.E.S.E. at the Business School of the University of Navarra in Barcelona.
Hubertus is also an executive board member of “Meine Stimme GILT”, a non-partisan Austrian organization that aims to decentralize collective political decision-making broadly in line with F.A. Hayek’s Demarchy proposal, with the goal to overcome the traditional political parties as superfluous middle-men in government and legislation.