Dr. López Zafra is co-director of the master’s program in Data Science for Finance of CUNEF, co-Chief Data Officer, and co-director of the Analytics Lab of the same center, one of the most prestigious business schools in Spain. He also exercises his teaching activity as a professor of Statistics and Decision Making. In 1995 he read his doctoral thesis on decision processes, specializing then in what is now known as behavioral decision making. He is an economist and actuary, has directed four doctoral theses, and has also authored “Retorno al patron oro” (Back to the gold standard), Ed. Deusto.
He has also worked at the University of California at Berkeley (as a visiting professor by agreement with CEU San Pablo), at CEU San Pablo, at the Business School of the UCM, at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, and more than 15 years in ICADE. He has collaborated with MBIT School in his Executive Master in Data Science and Business Intelligence and Big Data, as well as with MAS Consulting Group in Corporate Intelligence training.
In 2007 he founded the consultancy Statpro 2000 Clima SL to provide both training and analysis services from the area of data science and big data. Among its main clients are the Casino Gran Madrid, the consultant Watson Wyatt (today Towers Watson), the MAPFRE group, for whom it has analyzed patterns of behavior of young drivers, and prediction models of autonomous car penetration. He has also collaborated with the CATC of Lanzarote in the study of patterns of tourist spending behavior.
He is a member of the Institute of Actuaries, of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operational Research, of the IEEE (Big Data and Smart Cities Chapters), of the Foundation for Open Access Statistics (FOAS), of the Data Science Association, of Data Science Central, and of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS).
His Twitter account @jmlopezzafra was chosen in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 as #Twecos, the most important ones of Twitter for economic analysis. He maintains the Big Data column in the leading digital newspaper El Confidencial.