Ivana Katnic is an Assistant Professor at the University of Donja Gorica. She has been part of UDG since it was founded- 2007, first as a teaching assistant, and in July 2017 she was promoted to Assistant Professor for microeconomic and macroeconomic statistics and analysis.
She finished Faculty of economics, University of Montenegro, Department: »Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial economy« (2000- June 2004) and postgraduate studies »Entrepreneurial economy«, course: »Entrepreneurial economy and economic integrations«, Faculty of Economics, University of Montenegro (2004-2007). The mentor on her undergraduate and postgraduate thesis was professor Veselin Vukotic.
In November 2016 she defended her Ph.D. thesis: Research methodology, example: Results of the implementation of Bologna declaration in Montenegro, mentor: professor Veselin Vukotic, at University of Donja Gorica.
From October 2004 she has been working at the Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses as a researcher, later as an analyst.
In school 2009/2010 she spent two semesters as visiting student at Ph.D. studies at CERGE-EI (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education- Economics Institute), Prague, Czech Republic.
She participated in many workshops and conferences in the country and abroad and published a number of papers.
Since 2012 she is a member of the working group for the accession negotiations EU with Montenegro for Chapter 18 – Statistics. From December 2013 till 2016 she was National Contact Point for the Spreading excellence and Widening participation measures for Montenegro within Horizon 2020. In the period 2015 till 2017, she was a member of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) for Montenegro, appointed by the Education, Culture and Audio Visual Executive Agency (EACEA).
She is a member of the Association of Montenegrin economists and MENSA Montenegro, a member of MENSA international.