Cristian Manolachi has the title of Ph.D. in History, held at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. His doctoral thesis concerns the expression of political violence in the Romanian interwar society and tries to explain the rise of the far right political movements (political mythology, socio-economics aspects). The passion for the field of economic thought had a great influence in starting his doctoral studies in Economics, which are currently undergoing at the Babeș-Bolyai University.
He is committed to values such as respecting the natural laws of economics and laissez faire principles, as well as promoting the (real) freedom of speech. He advocates the demystification of the so-called welfare created by state interventionism and for the demythisation of the socialist/fascist utopia. Friedrich von Hayek Institute Romania, which he is fond of, gave him numerous opportunities to come in on public and scientific conferences, alongside well-known Romanian economists. The young historian took part in many television short documentaries at nationwide broadcasted channels and works for almost a decade now, as a managing director of the Cluj-Napoca Urban Culture Center.