Ramon Perez-Maura is a journalist, deputy director at ABC, the Spanish daily where he has developed his entire professional career. At present, he is a political analyst and responsible for the newspaper’s opinion pages. He also writes for the weekly supplement “ABC Cultural” and collaborates in the radio programs “La Linterna” and “Herrera en COPE” at COPE.
He is a member of the scientific committee at Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos and president of the Spanish Commitee for the Paneuropean Union.
He is the autor of “Del Imperio a la Unión Europea: La huella de Otto de Habsburgo en el siglo XX” Rialp. Madrid, 1997 and “El Rey posible. Simeón de Bulgaria” Belacqva. Madrid, 2002 -translated to bulgarian and published in Sofía that same year.
He received a scholarship from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and holds a journalism degree from Universidad de Navarra.
In 2013 he received the Trelles Villademoros Award for his historical and cultural work and in 2015 the Jaime de Foxá Award for venatory journalism. Since 2001 he holds the Columbian nationality.
He is a widower and father of two children.