Peter Gonda is the director of the Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik and an external lecturer of economics at the Comenius University in Bratislava. He deals with economic and social topics (for instance principles of economics, public finance, the role of government in the society and monetary and banking system) in the context of free society principles by lecturing, writing articles, elaborating studies, publications, and coordination of conferences and seminars.
Today, he coordinates and lectures at seminars within the “Academy of Classical Economics” and coordinates the “Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series” (TFA 2009 winning project which consists of economic lectures of qualified free-market thinkers in Slovakia).
Peter Gonda was coordinator and guarantee of the publications Economic Consequences of Slovakia´s Accession to EU (2002), Draft of Welfare Reform in Slovakia (2005), Program declaration of a reformed government: Guide for responsible politicians on the road to freer society and thinner government (2010) and the coeditor of the books Slovakia on its Way to Unknown (2003), In Defense of the Free Market (2007). Also, he wrote for instance the chapter “Economic and Ethical Foundations of Free Society” in the textbook Ethics in Management (2008).