Gioia Porlezza is in charge of public relations and public affairs of a Swiss association. After her studies in Linguistics and Political Science at the University of Zurich, she completed her Master’s degree at King’s College London in Strategic Communications with a focus on hybrid warfare. She’s always been fascinated by the connection between language and politics, and studying abroad sharpened her awareness of the values that have brought our generation to where it is today.
As a member of the FDP and as Vice-President of the “Jungfreisinnige” (Young Liberals) Zurich, she has been committed for almost 10 years to liberal solutions. To pursue this passion for politics, she runs her own podcast “Gioia redet Klartext” for the newly established liberal magazine “Nebelspalter”. For her, a free, self-reliant society is the best basis for prosperity. She likes to spend her free time with friends, or with her horses, or enjoying the Swizz Alps.