Biljana Tashevska was born on 12th September 1983 in Skopje. She graduated at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje, Department of Financial Management, in 2005 with an average grade of 9,61. In July 2011 she received her M.Sc. degree, defending her master thesis titled: Budget deficit, public debt and the crowding-out effect, at the Faculty of Economics – Skopje. In March 2005 she defended her doctoral thesis: The interdependence of budget deficit, public debt and fiscal sustainability at the same Faculty and earned a PhD degree in economic sciences. In the academic year 2005/2006 she worked as a demonstrator at the Faculty of Law in Skopje, engaged in the courses Economics and Applied economics. From June to November 2006 she worked at Alpha Bank AD Skopje, in the Credit department. In 2006 she was elected as junior assistant in Principles of economics at the Faculty of Economics – Skopje and in August 2015 she became an assistant professor in National wealth and national accounts. She teaches two first cycle courses: Economics of the welfare state and National accounts. The main areas of her scientific interest are: fiscal policy, public finance, macroeconomics, welfare state. She has published numerous papers in scientific journals, monographs and proceedings from international and domestic conferences. She regularly participates in symposia, workshops and conferences, and has been engaged in a few domestic and international projects. She complemented her professional development with several study visits abroad (in Serbia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Portugal).