Vice-President of the European Parliament, where he is a member of the Parliament´s Bureau, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN), and substitute of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
A graduate of the Law Faculty at Charles University in Prague, Mr. Telicka began his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as legal adviser of the Czechoslovak delegation for the negotiations on the Europe Association Agreement. Subsequent posts during the 1990s as Director of the European Communities Department, Director General of the Integration Section (EC, NATO, UN) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chief Negotiator for the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union and State Secretary for European Affairs.
Following the conclusion of the accession negotiations in December 2002, Mr. Telicka moved to Brussels as Ambassador and Head of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union. He has devoted almost his entire career to European integration and in 2003 was awarded by President Vaclav Havel a Medal for his contribution to the integration of the Czech Republic to the European Union.
From 2005 until 2014, he served as European Coordinator for one of the priority projects within the TEN-T:- ‘Rail Baltica’ and North Sea-Baltic Corridor. Since November 2007, he has also been a member of the High-Level Group on Administrative Burdens (an advisory body to the European Commission).