Doctor in Economic Sciences. He has been Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Granada and Professor of Applied Economics, since 1986 at the University of Malaga and since 2008 at the University of Seville.
Author of numerous scientific articles and books among which we can highlight Mass Communication Economy, Economic Analysis of Law, Inequality and economic crisis, Take the money and run. The neoliberal globalization of money and finance, The world is going well and Spain either, or the manuals Political Economy and Introduction to Economics, for university teaching, and Economics and Business Economics for bachelor. He has also published around 900 articles of dissemination in different written media or non-scientific journals.
He has held various academic and university policy and scientific positions as Department Director, Vice Dean, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Teaching at the University of Malaga and has also been Secretary-General of Universities and Research of the Board of Andalusia.