Wolfgang Wein earned his doctorate of medicine in 1982, went on to work as a medical doctor, and completed postgraduate studies in Hospital Management. At the same time, he attained a doctorate of philosophy under Ludwig Nagl and Erwin Waldschütz at the University of Vienna. This was followed by multiple philosophical monographs, including his comprehensive work „Visual Turn“, in which he put forth an up-to-date, modern form of Neo-Kantianism. In 1993 he started to work in the pharmaceutical industry, in 2000 as European Leader of Oncology in the UK for Eli Lilly, as Launch Lead in Japan and Global Leader of the Oncology-division, and as a board member of the pharma-division at MERCK. In 2019 he was awarded the Österreichische Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Decoration for Science and Art by the Republic of Austria).