Martin Winkler is founder and president of Respekt.net, an Austrian civil action group. Respekt.net has started the first donation based crowd funding platform www.respekt.net in Austria in 2010. In 2011 the transparency platform www.meineabgeordneten.at was launched to improve monitoring of political representatives in Austria. Respekt.net startet in 2014 a new platform www.steuernzahlen.at to enable the calculation of tax (including income, capital gains, wealth and consumer taxes) and social security contributions for Austrian taxpayers. In 2015 Respekt.net started a platform supporting private accomodation for refugees, www.asylwohnung.at. While Respekt.net is a purely honorary activity Martin Winkler is Managing Partner at Schwabe, Ley & Greiner, a treasury consultancy based in Vienna, Austria. Since 1993 he was professionally involved in numerous projects for family businesses and listed companies, banks and central banks. Martin Winkler has a degree in economics from Johannes Kepler University in Linz. He attended post graduate programs in the US (Columbia and Stanford University) and UK (London School of Economics).